LeaderMotor is the professional brushless motor manufaturer, we design and produce motor by ourself. Our R&D team experienced in design motor for more than 10 years.

Our strength is to design the comparable products to customers.
Currently, we have the Ironless,Out-runner and inner runner brushless motor.
Strickly to the innovative technology and reliable quality control.
We believe only the best to best could satisfy the requirements from the clients.

SERVICES: 電動工具無刷馬達,電動腳踏車馬達,無刷馬達,無核心式馬達
專利證書一 專利證書二 專利證書三
Corporation Name:綠德精密股份有限公司 English Name:LeaderMotor Corporation
Unified Business No.:24426701 Services & Products:Brushless Motor
Website:http://www.leadermotor.com.tw Person in Charge:Sam Ni
Copyright ©2011,LeaderMotor Corporation All rights reserved.
TEL1 : +886-4-7388913 | E-MAIL : leader@leadermotor.com.tw
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